CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER NASM-CPT National Academy of Sports Medicine For more than 20 years, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has set the standard in certification, continuing education, solutions and tools for health and fitness, sports performance and sports medicine professionals. NASM has pioneered evidence-based health and fitness solutions that optimize physical performance and…


CERTIFIED PRE- & POSTNATAL COACH GGS-CPPC Girls Gone Strong Girls Gone Strong is the world leader in evidence-based, interdisciplinary, body-positive women’s coaching & training education. Their mission is to raise the standard of coaching care for pre- & postnatal women in the health & fitness industry. The GGS Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification is one…


PREGNANCY & POSTPARTUM CORRECTIVE EXERCISE SPECIALIST CES-PCES Core Exercise Solutions Core Exercise Solutions offers women’s health and fitness education based on cutting edge research and applied through practical assessments and exercises. The Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Course is leading a movement in women’s fitness and healthcare. This pre and post natal certification focuses…


CERTIFIED NUTRITION COACH PN-L1 Precision Nutrition Since 2005, the Precision Nutrition Certification has become the #1 recommended nutrition coaching certification in the world. It uses a proven and practical system that teaches behavior-change coaching skills needed to deliver sustainable results for anyone. Understanding nutrition science is only a small part of what it takes to…


CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER ACE-CPT American Council on Exercise Over the past 25 years, ACE has become an established resource for both fitness professionals and consumers, providing comprehensive, unbiased, scientific research impacting the fitness industry and validating ourselves as the country’s trusted authority on fitness. The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) recommend that club…


CORRECTIVE EXERCISE SPECIALIST NASM-CES National Academy of Sports Medicine Helps clients and athletes prevent injuries, reduce movement deficiencies, improve muscle imbalances, and maximize results by creating safe, individualized training programs by identifying dysfunctions, developing a plan of action, and implementing corrective exercise solutions.


PHYSIQUE & BODYBUILDING COACH NASM-PBC National Academy of Sports Medicine Physique enhancement is a common goal shared by many; however, the reasons for which it is pursued are as unique and varied as the people who pursue it. Some enhance their physiques as one component of an overall health and fitness plan, some view it…


PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT SPECIALIST NASM-PES National Academy of Sports Medicine Helps athletes accomplish their sports performance goals, maximize their potential, and reduce their risk of injury by designing integrated sports performance programs that include flexibility training, cardiorespiratory training, core training, balance training, plyometrics, speed, agility, and quickness, integrated multiplanar resistance training, and sport specific conditioning.

Senior Fitness Specialist

SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST NASM-SFS National Academy of Sports Medicine The NASM Senior Fitness Specialization teaches innovative ways to design individualized programs to meet the needs of active aging adults through evidence-based practices. Addressing physiological and psychological needs, this course provides the application needed to create a positive, comfortable trainer-client relationship and help older adult clients…